Why Partner with Daiya Healthcare?
Provider Collaboration
& Support
At Daiya Healthcare we understand your success is our success. We're committed to being your partner of choice, providing leadership, quality care, improving quality outcomes and reducing hospital readmissions.
Daiya Healthcare monitors patient outcomes, quality measures and the ongoing performance of our partnering facilities.
Some of the benefits to a partnership with Daiya Healthcare include:
Quality Care & Improved Care Delivery
Primary and Specialty Provider Collaboration and Support
Value Based performance objectives (Post-Acute Networks, Accountable Care Organizations and Bundled Payment Care Initiatives)
Care coordination from acute to post-acute settings
Reduced hospitalizations and improved quality of care
Reduction in readmissions
Ongoing Staff Education and Competency training
Contact us to learn for more information about becoming a post-acute care partner

Daiya Healthcare is currently contracted with over 60 skilled nursing and assisted living facilities throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Hawaii.
​Our plan is to continue expanding services throughout the United States, building strategic partnerships with operators who are committed to the highest quality of care.